Extracting NetMD messages with Rust macros

  1. Reading the disc title
  2. A cleaner API
  3. Generating code with macros
  4. Implementing our own macro
  5. Error handling
  6. Testing it out
  7. Rounding it up
  8. Final thoughts
  9. References

I was recently using the amazing Web MiniDisc 💽 tool written by Stefano Brilli, which allows you to rename, upload, delete, and move tracks on a MiniDisc hooked up to a NetMD player via USB. This amazed me not only because it's written entirely in TypeScript, but also because it's a web app, interfacing with NetMD devices via WebUSB and using a compiled version of ffmpeg targeting WebAssembly for audio conversion.

Me being me, this prompted to me to make an attempt to rewrite (at least) the protocol in Rust. The Web MiniDisc web app uses the library netmd-js that the same author ported from linux-minidisc to interface with NetMD devices.

After a few attempts of reading the netmd-js source code and porting it over to Rust, my program was able to read and print out the disc title and total number of tracks from my Sony MZ-N505 player!

I was very happy with the results, except, there were a few ugly lines of code that irked me.

Sony MZ-N505 MiniDisc Player with two MiniDiscs My personal Sony MZ-N505 MiniDisc player

Reading the disc title

After sending a query to a NetMD device, the device first responds with a header which tells you how many bytes to expect. The program then allocates a buffer with the aforementioned number of bytes, and the data is written into the buffer.

Each data frame that comes from the device has a known format. In the case of reading disc titles, the format looks like this:

%? 1806 02201801 00%? 3000 0a00 1000 %w0000 %?%?000a %w %*

The definition of placeholders for our example above are as follows:

For our case, we want to read:

I've written a function called scan() (which is semi-analagous to the original scanQuery() function implemented in TypeScript), that

fn scan<'a>(template: &'a str, data: &'a [u8]) -> Result<Vec<&'a [u8]>, ()> {}

Here's the usage of scan() and what irked me:

let data = scan("%? 1806 02201801 00%? 3000 0a00 1000 %w0000 %?%?000a %w %*", reply)?;
if let [chunk_size_read, total_read, data_read] = &data[..] {
    chunk_size = parse_u16(chunk_size_read)?;
    total = parse_u16(total_read)?;
} else {

I didn't like this code, especially the part where I'm destructuring data into three raw &&[u8]s that I needed to then manually parse into u16s and Strings, and not to mention unreachable!().

Rust complains when you do not add the if let {} else {} part, as the let binding requires an irrefutable pattern match:

Shell session
   Compiling scan-test v0.1.0
error[E0005]: refutable pattern in local binding
 --> scan-test/src/main.rs:5:9
5 |     let [a, b] = &data[..];
  |         ^^^^^^ patterns `&[]`, `&[_]` and `&[_, _, _, ..]` not covered
  = note: `let` bindings require an "irrefutable pattern", like a `struct` or an `enum` with only one variant
  = note: for more information, visit https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch18-02-refutability.html
  = note: the matched value is of type `&[u8]`
help: you might want to use `let else` to handle the variants that aren't matched
5 |     let [a, b] = &data[..] else { todo!() };
  |                            ++++++++++++++++
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0005`.
error: could not compile `scan-test` (bin "scan-test") due to 1 previous error

All these manual extraction and type conversion didn't seem sane to me, as I can still make mistakes such as:

I thought about adding a generic type T and specifying that type on the call site, but the problems above still can happen, and the compiler will not complain:

fn scan<'a, T>(template: &'a str, data: &'a [u8]) -> Result<T, ()> {}
let (a, b) = scan("%? %w %b", &[0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03])?;
//  ^^^^^^   ---- type must be known at this point
let (a, b) = scan::<(u8, u16)>("%? %w %b", &[0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03])?;
//                   ^---^---+      ^--^
//                           |         |
//                           +---------+---  whoops, wrong order

Either way, I don't think there's a way to return variadic tuples. How can I implement scan() in a way that T can be a tuple of any length?

If only there is another way...

A cleaner API

Let's wrap everything that we know before, and throw (almost) all of it out the window. Personally I like to delete code and start over — knowing what I want, and what I don't want from the code that I'm writing.

I would like an API that looks something like this:

let () = scan("ff", data);
//  ^-- nothing
let (a) = scan("ff %b", data);
//   ^-- inferred as u8
let (a, b) = scan("ff be %b %w", data);
//   ^--^-- inferred as one u8 and one u16

Since the template string literal contains a known amount of placeholders and is 'static, the return type of scan() should aptly correspond to the same number of values with its associated type, contained in a tuple. For example:

We can also leverage type-inference to our advantage. In an isolated example, the following code will automatically infer the return types.

Type inference
let (a, b) = (0 as u8, 1 as u16);
//   ^  ^─── inferred as `u16`
//   └────── inferred as `u8`

With that, we want our function scan() to return a concrete type which is known at compile time, and it should roughly work like the following:

// this code snippet
let (a, b) = scan("ff be %b %w", data)
// should expand to
let (a, b) = {
    // extract placeholder values from data
    let extracted = extract("ff be %b %w", data).unwrap();
    // extract first %b (u8)
    let r1 = {
        let raw = extracted.get(0).unwrap();
        let val = u8::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 1]>::try_from(*raw).unwrap());
    // extract second %w (u16)
    let r2 = {
        let raw = extracted.get(1).unwrap();
        let val = u16::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 2]>::try_from(*raw).unwrap());
    // r1 should be a u8, and
    // r2 should be a u16
    (r1, r2)

Generating code with macros

Macros are a way of writing code that writes other code (very meta). You've probably used macros before, such as the declarative println! macro, or using #[derive(Serialize)] derive macros from serde.

From the previous vision of a cleaner API, we would like some sort of way to automatically implement that block for us, be it none, two, three, or n amounts of placeholders. Turns out, we can use function-like procedural macros to do exactly what we want.

Before getting started, we need a way to inspect our macro output. Fortunately I didn't have to look far until I stumbled upon the cargo-expand crate. This cool utility allows us to take a peek into expanded macros, just like how rustc would do during compile time.

fn main() {
    let world = "world";
    println!("Hello, {}!", world);

Running cargo expand outputs:

Example (expanded)
use std::prelude::rust_2021::*;
extern crate std;
fn main() {
    let world = "world";
        // NOTE: `format_args!` doesn't expand
        // NOTE: because it's a compiler built-in
        ::std::io::_print(format_args!("Hello, {0}!\n", world));

Implementing our own macro

This section implies you have pre-knowledge of macros and the basics on how they work. I've intentionally left out step-by-step instructions and instead focused on how to formulate the solution to the problem. If in doubt, please refer to reputable references, or get your hands dirty on the source code mentioned at the end of this article.

Remember that our scan() function takes two inputs:

We would like our scan! macro to:

let data =       &[0xff, 0xbe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
//                   ↑     ↑     ↑    ↑      ↑
//                   │     │     │    ├──────┘
//                   ↓     ↓     ↓    ↓
let (a, b) = scan!(" ff    be    %b   %w", data);

We can represent the input tokens of the macro with the following struct:

use syn::{parse::Parse, Expr, LitStr, Token};
//                        scan!("ff be %b %w", data)
//                              ↑            ↑ ↑
//                              │            │ │
pub struct MacroInput { //      │            │ │
    template: LitStr,   //  ────┘            │ │
    _comma: Token![,],  //  ─────────────────┘ │
    data: Expr,         //  ───────────────────┘
impl Parse for MacroInput {
    // ...

MacroInput can then be used in a generate() function that returns a TokenStream, which is a stream of tokenized representations of Rust code that will be inlined as code. The example below uses the quote! macro that inlines the template string literal and the data as a tuple:

pub fn generate(input: MacroInput) -> TokenStream {
    let template = input.template.value();
    let data = &input.data;
    quote!((#template, #data))

In a separate crate, we can test our preliminary scan! macro by running cargo expand, which will show that the macro is expanding to a tuple of the expected type (&str, &[u8])!

use scan::scan;
fn main() {
    let data = &[0xff, 0xbe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
    let (a, b) = scan!("ff be %b %w", data);
    // the line above is expanded into:
    let (a, b) = ("ff be %b %w", data);
    // the types that are inferred are:
    //   a: &str
    //   b: &[u8]

For the placeholders %_, we can use an enum representation that facilitates type conversion after extracting data:

enum Placeholder {
    Byte,     // %b
    Word,     // %w
    Double,   // %d
    Quad,     // %q
    RawRest,  // %*

We then implement quote::ToTokens for the newtype Template that converts the enclosed Vec<Placeholder> into a TokenStream which can then be interpolated:

struct Template(Vec<Placeholder>);
impl ToTokens for Template {
    fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
        let all_tokens = self
            .map(|(index, placeholder_type)| {
                // get the extracted value
                let getter = quote!(
                    let value = extracted.get(#index).unwrap()
                // perform the type conversion
                let converter = match placeholder_type {
                    Placeholder::Byte => quote! {
                        u8::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 1]>::try_from(*value).unwrap())
                    Placeholder::Word => quote! {
                        u16::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 2]>::try_from(*value).unwrap())
                    Placeholder::Double => quote! {
                        u32::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 4]>::try_from(*value).unwrap())
                    Placeholder::Quad => quote! {
                        u64::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 8]>::try_from(*value).unwrap())
                    Placeholder::RawRest => quote! {

Let's break it down:

We're enumerating Vec<Placeholder> and mapping it into tokens where:

We then assemble the getter and the converter in a {} block with quote!:

let block = quote!({
// for example, a `Placeholder::Byte` with the index 0 returns:
let block = {
    let value = extracted.get(0).unwrap();
    u8::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 1]>::try_from(*value).unwrap())
quote!(        ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    {          ↓       {                                       ↓
        #getter;          let value = extracted.get(0).unwrap();
        ↑                 ↑
        #converter        u8::from_be_bytes(...)
        ↑                 ↑
    {                  {

We then collect all the tokens into the variable all_tokens with the type Vec<TokenStream>, and call tokens.extend() to extend the existing TokenStream by interpolation and repetition of all_tokens:

let tokens = quote!(
// for example:
//   - a `Placeholder::Byte` at index 0
//   - a `Placeholder::Word` at index 1
let tokens =
            let value = extracted.get(0).unwrap();
            u8::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 1]>::try_from(*value).unwrap())
            let value = extracted.get(1).unwrap();
            u16::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 2]>::try_from(*value).unwrap())
    )                 ↑
)                     │
    (                               │
        ╭─────────────────╮         │
        │ {               │         │
        │   all_tokens[0] │         │
        │ }               │ , ←─────┤
        ╰─────────────────╯         │
        ╭─────────────────╮         │
        │ {               │         │
        │   all_tokens[1] │         │
        │ }               │ , ←─────╯

Then, we define a function parse_template(), that parses the template string literal into our newtype Template, and another function extract() that is used and executed during runtime which returns all the extracted bytes in-order as a Vec<&'a [u8]>:

// compile-time template parsing
fn parse_template(input: &str) -> Result<Template, ()> {
    // ...
// runtime extractor
pub fn extract<'a>(template: &'a str, data: &'a [u8]) -> Result<Vec<&'a [u8]>, ()> {
    // ...

These two functions can then be used inside our generate() function:

pub fn generate(input: MacroInput) -> TokenStream {
    let template_str = input.template.value();
    let template = parse_template(&template_str).unwrap();
    let data = &input.data;
    quote! ({
        let extracted = ::scan::extract(#template_str, #data).unwrap();

The Template that is generated with parse_template() is interpolated with the ToTokens implementation that we have covered before, and the basics are done!

With type inference, a is correctly inferred as a u8, and b as a u16!

use scan::scan;
fn main() {
    let data = &[0xff, 0xbe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
    let (a, b) = scan!("ff be %b %w", data);
    // expands to:
    let (a, b) = {
    //   ↑  ↑
    //   │  └── u16 🥳
    //   └───── u8  🤩
        let extracted = ::scan::extract("ff be %b %w", data).unwrap();
                let value = extracted.get(0usize).unwrap();
                u8::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 1]>::try_from(*value).unwrap())
                let value = extracted.get(1usize).unwrap();
                u16::from_be_bytes(<[u8; 2]>::try_from(*value).unwrap())

Error handling

Despite using a healthy dose of .unwrap()s, we would ideally return custom Error types. This can be done with the help of the fantastic thiserror crate that does the heavy lifing for us.

For our usage, we want to define two error types:

use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum CompileError {
    #[error("invalid hex character '{0}'")]
    // ...
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ExtractError {
    #[error("data buffer contains unmatched residual data")]
    // ...

The two error types can be used in our parse_template() and extract(), replacing the previous unit type ():

pub use error::{CompileError, ExtractError};
mod error;
fn parse_template(input: &str) -> Result<Template, CompileError> {
    // ...
pub fn extract<'a>(/* snip */) -> Result<Vec<&'a [u8]>, ExtractError> {
    // ...

We can then update all occurrences of .unwrap() to ? or .map_err()? wherever applicable, and update our generate() macro entry to propagate errors to the Rust compiler:

pub fn generate(input: MacroInput) -> TokenStream {
    let template_str = input.template.value();
    let template = parse_template(&template_str);
    let data = &input.data;
    match template {
        Ok(template) => quote!({
            let extracted = ::scan::extract(#template_str, #data)?;
        // convert our CompileError into a compile error
        Err(e) => syn::Error::new(input.template.span(), e).to_compile_error(),

Now, let's try compiling our example code with cargo run:

Shell session
   Compiling scan-test v0.1.0 
error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be used in a function that returns `Result` or `Option` (or another type that implements `FromResidual`)
 --> scan-test/src/main.rs:5:43
3 | fn main() {
  | --------- this function should return `Result` or `Option` to accept `?`
4 |     let data = &[0xff, 0xbe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
5 |     let (a, b) = scan!("ff be %b %w", data).unwrap();
  |                                           ^ cannot use the `?` operator in a function that returns `()`
  = help: the trait `FromResidual<Result<Infallible, ExtractError>>` is not implemented for `()`
  = note: this error originates in the macro `scan` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
error: could not compile `scan-test` (bin "scan-test") due to 1 previous error

Oops, we hit a compile error.

No worries! We can use cargo expand to expand our test code that will help us illustrate the problem:

Example (Expanded)
fn main() {
    let data = &[0xff, 0xbe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
    let (a, b) = {
        let extracted = ::scan::extract("ff be %b %w", data)?;
            { /* snip: this closure uses `?` */ },
            { /* snip: this closure uses `?` */ },

The block let (a, b) = { /* ... */ } uses the ? operator which returns to the nearest function or closure. In our case, it's the main() function; but it's not allowed since the main() function returns a unit type (). We could change it so that it returns a Result, but I wanted it to act like calling a function, so that's off the table.

An alternative is to wrap the block with a try block. Although this is ocularly pleasant and terse, it requires an unstable nightly feature flag #![feature(try_blocks)]:

Example (Expanded, with try)
fn main() {
    let data = &[0xff, 0xbe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
    let (a, b) = try {
        let extracted = ::scan::extract("ff be %b %w", data)?;
            { /* snip: this closure uses `?` */ },
            { /* snip: this closure uses `?` */ },

Rather than fiddling with unstable feature flags, a workaround is to use an IIFE (|| {})() with an explicit return type:

pub fn generate(input: MacroInput) -> TokenStream {
    // ...
    match template {
        Ok(template) => quote! {
            (|| -> Result<_, ::scan::ExtractError> {
                let extracted = ::scan::extract(#template_str, #data)?;
        Err(e) => syn::Error::new(input.template.span(), e).to_compile_error(),

which expands our code into the following, while preserving type inference on the Ok variant:

Example (Expanded)
fn main() {
    let data = &[0xff, 0xbe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
    let (a, b) = (|| -> Result<_, ::scan::ExtractError> {
        let extracted = ::scan::extract("ff be %b %w", data)?;
            { /* snip: this closure uses `?` */ },
            { /* snip: this closure uses `?` */ },

Testing it out

Let's try out the full example where we match two bytes0xff and 0xbe, and extract a u8 and a u16:

use scan::scan;
fn main() {
    let data = &[0xff, 0xbe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
    let (a, b) = scan!("ff be %b %w", data).unwrap();
    println!("a = {a}, b = {b}");
    let c = 0x01;
    let d = u16::from_be_bytes([0x02, 0x03]);
    println!("c = {c}, d = {d}");
    assert_eq!(a, c);
    assert_eq!(b, d);

Running cargo run outputs:

Shell session
   Compiling scan-core v0.1.0 
   Compiling scan-macros v0.1.0 
   Compiling scan v0.1.0
   Compiling scan-test v0.1.0
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.55s
     Running `target/debug/scan-test`
a = 1, b = 515
c = 1, d = 515

It works, and there's no assert panics! 🥳

Rounding it up

With all this effort being made, we can finally convert our original snippet:

let data = scan("%? 1806 02201801 00%? 3000 0a00 1000 %w0000 %?%?000a %w %*", reply)?;
if let [chunk_size_read, total_read, data_read] = &data[..] {
    chunk_size = parse_u16(chunk_size_read)?;
    total = parse_u16(total_read)?;
} else {

to use our scan! macro:

let (chunk_size_r, total_r, data) =
    scan("%? 1806 02201801 00%? 3000 0a00 1000 %w0000 %?%?000a %w %*", reply)?;
chunk_size = chunk_size_r;     // chunk_size_r: u16
total = total_r;               // total_r: u16
sink.push(parse_string(data))  // data: Vec<u8>

Much better! Especially without the awkward if let [a, b] = &data[..] and unreachable!()!

The compiler can now:

Exactly what I needed! Though I could also eliminate parse_string(data) — maybe a with a template placeholder like %*S with the associated type Placeholder::StringRest?

Final thoughts

Writing macros isn't easy nor simple. Since I hadn't really stumbled upon a good guide on macros, I experimented it myself instead: reading documentation, searching for examples, looking at GitHub issues, before getting stuff working properly.

To be fair, this isn't my first time writing macros.

Last year, I had to write an Impala query library for work which interfaces via Apache Thrift. I needed a way to transform a data row into a struct using a derive macro, which should look like sqlx's FromRow API. I ended up browsing sqlx's source code and figuring out how code was generated, and adapted my macro to use my own getters and transformers.

use sqlx::FromRow;
struct User {
    // ...
use impala::FromImpalaRow;
struct User {
    // ...

People have done crazy and impressive things with macros, like yew's html! macro:

use yew::prelude::*;
html! {
        <div data-key="abc"></div>
        <div class="parent">
            <span class="child" value="anything"></span>
            <label for="first-name">{ "First Name" }</label>
            <input type="text" id="first-name" value="placeholder" />
            <input type="checkbox" checked=true />
            <textarea value="write a story" />
            <select name="status">
                <option selected=true disabled=false value="">{ "Selected" }</option>
                <option selected=false disabled=true value="">{ "Unselected" }</option>

In the end, I think it's worth it to invest some effort into providing better APIs for your own libraries and utilities. Sure, it might be a little overkill for some cases, but you would certainly still learn something from it.

That said, time to go back to experimenting talking to NetMD devices with Rust!
