Using Express with Strictly Typed Handlers and Responses

  1. First Thing's First
  2. Defining the Response Type
    1. Example: ResponseSuccessJson
    2. Example: ResponseFailJson
  3. Defining the Request Middleware
    1. Short Interlude on the Either Type
  4. Middleware Composition
  5. The Middleware Handler
  6. Using our Request Handler with Express
  7. Recap

I've recently came across a problem where I really didn't know how to approach, which was adding strict typings onto Express middlewares and response types. There seems to be no way to do this without messing half of @types/express and @types/node:

import * as express from 'express'
const app = express()
app.get('/', (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
  // I can't constrain the Send type!
  return res.status(400).send({
    error: '???',

I've posted my question on /r/typescript and Federico Feroldi (GitHub @cloudify) pointed me to his article about functional composition of Express middlewares with strict typings, but I found it extremely confusing, so this is my attempt to explain how to add compile-time type checking to your Express middlewares.

First Thing's First

We first consider the terms and the behaviour below:

We can visualize middlewares like this, where M_x are the middlewares and R_x are the responses of each corresponding middleware:

function composeMiddlewares(M1, M2, M3, M4): [R1, R2, R3, R4]

Then, a middleware handler accepts responses R_x from the middlewares and returns one response IResponse<T>

function middlewareHandler<T>(R1, R2, R3, R4): IResponse<T>

Defining the Response Type

We realize the response of a middleware, or a composition of middlewares with the type IResponse<T>, where T is a string literal to discriminate between different IResponse-s.

You can think of it as an intermediary type which is used internally to represent a response, and provides an apply function that has an express.Response so that you can tell express how to return an actual response when presented the IReponse<T> type:

type interface IResponse<T> {
    readonly kind: T,
    readonly apply: (response: express.Response) => void

Example: ResponseSuccessJson

Here's an example of a response creator that creates an IResponseSuccessJson returning a JSON with the status 200:

interface IResponseSuccessJson<T> extends IResponse<"IResponseSuccessJson"> {
  readonly value: T
function ResponseSuccessJson<T>(o: T): IResponseSuccessJson<T> {
  return {
    apply: response =>
        kind: undefined,
    kind: "IResponseSuccessJson",
    value: o,

Example: ResponseFailJson

And here we have the same thing but returning a status of 400:

interface IResponseFailJson<T> extends IResponse<"IResponseFailJson"> {
  readonly value: T
function ResponseFailJson<T>(o: T): IResponseFailJson<T> {
  return {
    apply: response =>
        kind: undefined,
    kind: "IResponseFailJson",
    value: o,

Defining the Request Middleware

Next, we have the request middleware definition IRequestMiddleware. A IRequestMiddleware is a function that takes in an express.Request as a parameter and returns a promise of Either the error response IResponse<E> or a type R. The Either type is used to facilitate cases where a middleware chain has to be stopped and a response has to be send immediately (more on this later).

import { Either } from "fp-ts/lib/Either"
type IRequestMiddleware<E, R> = (
  request: express.Request
) => Promise<Either<IResponse<E>, R>>

Short Interlude on the Either Type

The Either type is provided by the fp-ts library, and Either is a strict disjoint union type.

It is by convention that the left type is the 'failure' state while the right type is the 'success' state. We can use helper functions like left and right to explicitly return the left or right type of a function.

function greaterThanOne(n: number): Either<false, true> {
  return n > 1 ? right<false, true>(true) : left<false, true>(false)

Subsequently we can use isLeft and isRight to tell left and right values apart.

isLeft(greaterThanOne(3)) // false
isRight(greaterThanOne(3)) // true

Middleware Composition

Now that we have the response and the request middleware typings, we can compose middlewares by wrapping them with withRequestMiddlewares. If at any point of time a middleware fails, an IReponse<E> is returned by using the left function, which will bail out the whole middleware chain and return a response of IResponse<E>.

import { left, right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'
type User = {
    id: string,
    name: string
type Profile = {
    id: string,
    picture: string
const middlewareOne: IRequestMiddleware<'IResponseFailJson', User> = async (request) => {
    if (/* condition */) {
        // return the left type of the Either type
        return left<IResponseFailJson, User>(ResponseFailJson({
            error: 'Your error goes here'
    } else {
        // return the right type of the Either type
        return right<IResponseFailJson, User>({
            id: '1',
            name: 'James'
const middlewareTwo: IRequestMiddleware<'IResponseFailJson', Profile> = async (request) => {/* */}
const requestHandler = withRequestMiddlewares(
    middlewareOne, // first middleware to fire
    middlewareTwo  // second middleware to fire
)(/* handler */)

Here's the definition and implementation of withRequestMiddlewares, note that the middlewares are called one after another, and if a left value is returned, we resolve the left value and bail out from the middleware chain; otherwise, we continue processing the next middleware.

import { isLeft } from "fp-ts/lib/Either"
function withRequestMiddlewares<E1, E2, R1, R2>(
  m1: IRequestMiddleware<E1, R1>,
  m2: IRequestMiddleware<E2, R2>
): <O>(
  handler: (r1: R1, r2: R2) => Promise<IResponse<O>>
) => RequestHandler<E1, E2, O> {
  return request =>
    new Promise<IResponse<E1, E2, O>>((resolve, reject) => {
      m1(request).then(v1 => {
        if (isLeft(v1)) {
          // if the response of m1 was a left value, we bail
        } else {
          m2(request).then(v2 => {
            if (isLeft(v2)) {
              // if the response of m2 was a left value, we bail
            } else {
              // all values are resolved fine, we pass the values to the handler and call it
              handler(r1.value, r2.value).then(resolve, reject)
          }, reject)
      }, reject)

The Middleware Handler

The middleware handler is the bridge between the the internal data types of your application and the actual interface that the consumer of an API gets. A middleware handler takes all the response types of the middlewares, and then returns an IResponse<T> which is then applied onto express.Response.

It is also a good abstraction layer that separates internal data structures from API data structures, and also provides you a clear view of what can be returned from a composition of middlewares.

Using the definitions above, we can write a middlewareHandler function, which takes in two middleware results User and Profile, and returns a success JSON of type CompositeResponse:

type CompositeResponse = {
  user: User
  profile: Profile
const middlewareOne = async (): IRequestMiddleware<
> => {
  /* ... */
const middlewareTwo = async (): IRequestMiddleware<
> => {
  /* ... */
const middlewareHandler: (
  user: User,
  profile: Profile
) => Promise<IResponseSuccessJson<CompositeResponse>> = async (
) => {
  return ResponseSuccessJson<CompositeResponse>({
// you don't have to type out the typings here,
// TypeScript will automatically infer it from the function call
const requestHandler: RequestHandler<
> = withRequestMiddlewares(middlewareOne, middlewareTwo)(middlewareHandler)

Using our Request Handler with Express

Now that our middlewares have a handler, we want to tell Express to use and send the resulting IResponse<T>.

With the handler example above, we can see that requestHandler can only return either an IResponseFailJson or a IResponseSucessJson. However, when an internal error (like TypeError) is thrown anywhere in the middleware chain, it is automatically caught by the error function and a response type of ResponseErrorInternal is returned to the consumer.

export type RequestHandler<R> = (
  request: express.Request
) => Promise<IResponse<R>>
export const wrapRequestHandler = <R>(
  handler: RequestHandler<R>
): express.RequestHandler => {
  return (request, response, _) => {
    return handler(request).then(
      // our custom responses are applied to express's response
      reply => {
      // all other errors which are not handled properly are caught here,
      // and returned as ResponseErrorInternal
      error => {
interface IResponseErrorInternal<T>
  extends IResponse<'IResponseErrorInternal'> {}
function ResponseErrorInternal(e: string): IResponseErrorInternal {
  return {
    apply: response =>
        title: 'Internal server error',
        detail: e.message,
    kind: 'IResponseErrorInternal',

Using the predefined requestHandler with Express is as easy as wrapping the request handler with wrapRequestHandler:

import * as express from "express"
const app = express()
app.get("/api/test", wrapRequestHandler(requestHandler))


To recap, we have: